“No one should die of malignant melanoma” - A. Bernard Ackerman, 1985

Skin Cancer
Institute Blog

Indications for digital monitoring of patients with multiple naevi

By Skin Cancer Institute |January 23, 2023

Do you see patients with multiple moles in your primary care or skin cancer clinic? In this latest general dermatology video, Dr Vincenzo Piccolo examines the latest research from the International Dermoscopy Society on the indications for digital monitoring of patients with multiple naevi, with practical recommendations for clinicians to approach this often complex and time-consuming issue.

Which patients with multiple naevi should be digitally monitored for skin malignancies as part of their routine follow-up? Digital monitoring can be a time-consuming procedure for patients with multiple moles, and they may have to be referred onwards to another clinic that can facilitate total body photography or full-body mole mapping.

In this video, Dr Vincenzo Piccolo looks at the latest research into which patients should be provided with digital monitoring of their moles. He describes the methods of sequential imaging and the patient risk factors which might indicate this procedure in addition to a standard skin examination with dermoscopy.

The recommendations support clinicians in c

hoosing appropriate follow-up regimens for patients with multiple naevi and in applying the time-consuming procedure of sequential imaging more efficiently.

See all this and much more in the full video below.


Watch the full video now:


Topics: digital imaging

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