“No one should die of malignant melanoma” - A. Bernard Ackerman, 1985

Skin Cancer
Institute Blog

How to take a skin cancer history

By Skin Cancer Institute |July 04, 2022

How do you conduct a skin cancer consultation? In this short video, Dr Helena Rosengren (Skin Repair Skin Cancer Clinic, Townsville) gives practical advice for performing a comprehensive skin cancer check in a primary care or skin cancer clinic, with a focus on taking a skin history.


Watch the short video now:




In the video, Dr Rosengren covers how to note patients' lesions of concern, skin type and previous sun exposure, and how to understand their personal and family history of skin cancer.

Dr Rosengren speaks about the importance of taking your patients' specific lesion concerns seriously, even if the lesions have been previously cleared by a different doctor.

She describes how to take the patients' history, giving examples of real patient cases and explaining the dermoscopic findings. She further provides practical questions you can ask your patients to understand more about their skin, and when to refer onwards to a specialist.

Dr Rosengren also discusses how to talk with your patients about sun exposure, and how a history of sun exposure and/or skin cancers affects their skin cancer risk. The video also covers how Fitzpatrick skin types.

Watch all this and much more in the full video above.

Topics: skin cancer check, skin consultation

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