“No one should die of malignant melanoma” - A. Bernard Ackerman, 1985

Skin Cancer
Institute Blog

How to manage atypical naevi (Part 1 of 2)

By Skin Cancer Institute |April 19, 2022

How can you recognise and manage atypical naevi? In this short video, Professor Giuseppe Argenziano uses real patient cases to explain how to manage atypical lesions in primary care.

In the video, Prof Argenziano looks at how a patient's clinical appearance and history make a difference to how you might manage the atypical naevi on their skin.

When it comes to atypical skin lesions, the question is are they naevi or are they melanoma? Prof Argenziano explains how to consider the entire scenario to better answer this question and provide an accurate diagnosis for your patients.

He dermoscopically examines ten lesions belonging to the same patient and explains his findings.

See all this and much more in the full video below!


Watch the full video now:



Prof Giuseppe Argenziano is Professor of Dermatology at the Department of Dermatology, Second University of Naples; Coordinator of the Skin Cancer Unit Research Hospital Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy; President of the International Dermoscopy Society; and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Giuseppe has developed early diagnosis techniques for melanoma, authored over 300 scientific works and has been invited as speaker and/or chairman in more than 400 national and international conferences in the field of dermatology. He has authored more than 450 scientific articles and more than 30 books, and his publications have received a total of 6,200 citations with an h-index value of 40 (Scopus 02/2015). He is a key presenter of the HealthCert Professional Diploma of Dermoscopy program.

Topics: Skin Cancer, melanoma, atypical naevi

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