“No one should die of malignant melanoma” - A. Bernard Ackerman, 1985

Skin Cancer
Institute Blog

[1 hour watch] Difficult to diagnose benign lesions

By Skin Cancer Institute |June 02, 2022

In this latest webinar, Prof Giuseppe Argenziano and A/Prof Aimilios Lallas give a sneak peek into one of their highly anticipated presentations at the upcoming Skin & Skin Cancer Conference and Masterclasses in Brisbane on 21-24 July 2022, where they will talk about difficult to diagnose benign lesions and much more.

The interactive webinar (including real patient cases with Q&A from the audience) gives expert advice on managing difficult to diagnose benign lesions and offers a glance into the Conference, where the two keynote speakers will join 20+ local experts in Australia to share must-have knowledge for primary care doctors in skin cancer, general dermatology and aesthetic medicine.


Watch the full webinar recording now:






Skin & Skin Cancer Conference and Masterclasses:

To begin with, keynote speakers Prof Giuseppe Argenziano and A/Prof Aimilios Lallas will present a special edition of their popular Dermoscopy Excellence program during the two-day Dermoscopy Masterclass. The program is highly interactive and fun, combining advanced theory with practical application on real patient case studies.

Next, you are invited to join the two-day Skin and Skin Cancer Conference. In a first, the keynote speakers and a diverse group of local experts will provide the latest updates, newest research, and best-practice advice in the areas of skin cancer, dermatology and aesthetic medicine in primary care. After joint plenary sessions, delegates will break out into smaller groups for a deep dive into one of the three topics of most interest.

All session recordings will be made available for a comprehensive learning experience.


See the full program and secure your place now.

Topics: benign lesions

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